Please be aware of the increase in rental scams across the country, including fake listings and deposit fraud, among others. If you have any questions related to a rental offer, deposit requirements, or payment plans, please contact your Skyline Living representative directly or our Customer Service department at 1-844-910-1522.

Skyline Living in the News

We’re making a difference and people are noticing. Read up on some of our recent headlines!

Skyline Raises More Than $63,000 for Coldest Night of the Year 2022

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Skyliners across Canada walked and raised funds to support charities helping our communities.

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Skyline Apartment REIT buys 7 properties in Nova Scotia and Ontario

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The Apartment REIT entered Bedford, Nova Scotia and re-entered Lindsay, Ontario

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The Wash ‘n’ Dry for the Cure campaign saw River Rock Laundry commit to donating 25 per cent of all funds spent on laundry from February to November at 17 select Skyline Living buildings in southwestern Ontario including Guelph, Cambridge, Fergus, Elmira, Brantford, St. Thomas, Sarnia, and Windsor where River Rock Laundry provides commercial laundry equipment and service.

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Skyline Living and Skyline Group of Companies Win Two FRPO MAC Awards

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Skyline Living and Skyline Group of Companies have earned two distinguished industry awards at the recent Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO) MAC (Marketing, Achievement, and Construction) Awards, celebrating the “best in the biz” in Ontario’s rental housing industry.

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Skyline Living Takes Home Property Manager of the Year at IPOANS

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Skyline Living honoured to win Property Manager of the Year award at 2021 IPOANS Innovation and Excellence Awards.

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Skyline Participating in Food Waste Pilot Project

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[Guelph, ON –November 1, 2021]This initiative was featured in the Guelph Mercury: “Guelph pilot project aims to reduce food waste from businesses” Skyline Group of Companies and Skyline Living are taking…

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Skyline Living Surpasses 20,000 Rental Apartments!

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Skyline Living is proud to announce that we have recently achieved a really significant milestone.

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Skyline Apartment REIT Reaches 20,000 Suite Milestone

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[Guelph, ON – July 27, 2021]  On July 27, 2021, Skyline Apartment REIT celebrated its 20,000 suite milestone with a special event at a property in Sarnia, Ontario.

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Construction for Talisman Gate Underway in Gravenhurst

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[Guelph, ON – July 21, 2021]     Construction is underway at Talisman Gate, a new mixed-use development located at 115 Skyway Avenue and 110 & 120 Preston Way in Gravenhurst, Ontario.

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SkyDev Breaks Ground In Chatham, Ontario

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        [Guelph, ON – June 22, 2021]     Development has begun on a new 138-suite rental apartment building at 53 & 57 Riverview Drive in Chatham, Ontario.

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